General Terms and Conditions (click here)
The electronic portfolio of evidence of teaching performance
CEDinGPII project 2013-1-PL1-LEO05-37537
Terms and conditions of use
- This electronic portfolio of evidence of teaching performance is placed at the (the “Electronic Portfolio”) which is provided by European Academy of Teachers in General Practice and Family Medicine (the “EURACT”). Use of the Electronic portfolio is governed by these terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”).
- Users are asked to read this document with understanding. By using the Electronic Portfolio users indicate that they accept the Terms and Conditions and that they agree to abide by them. Using the Electronic Portfolio without acceptance of Terms and Conditions is not possible.
General Information
Electronic Portfolio is a results of the EU project “Continuing Educational Development and Harmonisation of Expert Teachers in General Practice/Family Medicine in Europe through a systematic process of quality improvement (CEDinGPII) No. 2013-1-PL1-LEO05-37537 financed by European Commission Lifelong Learning Program.
Access and fees
- Access to the Electronic Portfolio for EURACT members is free of charge (annual dues must be paid and will be verified by the EURACT Secretary).
- Access to the Electronic Portfolio for other applicants requires a modest fee covering only the administrative costs. The cost is calculated individually, based on the annual membership due rates estimated for the applicant’s country of origin. Fee amounts three times the annual membership dues. Payments must be made via a bank transfer and the following bank transfer details must be respected:
- Name: EURACT Association
- Account number: NL20RABO0143868543
- Bank name: Rabo bank
- Country: The Netherlands
All bank charges should be covered by the remitter.
* When transferring the payment please quote your name, surname, country of origin and email address. An official confirmation message will be sent to you when the payment is received.
In order to calculate your individual fee rate, please contact with Barbara Toplek – EURACT Administrative Secretary – at the following email address: [email protected]
- Electronic Portfolio operates in English and registration is required. The national versions might be available later on.
User’s identification code, password or any other piece of information as part of our security procedures, must be treated such as confidential information, and users must not disclose it to any third party. EURACT have a right to disable any user identification code or password, whether chosen by them or allocated by EURACT, at any time, if in EURACT opinion user has failed to comply with any of the provisions of these terms of use.
Access to the Electronic Portfolio is permitted on a temporary basis, and EURACT reserves the right to withdraw or amend the service that is provided on the Electronic Portfolio without notice.
From time to time, EURACT may restrict access to some parts of the Electronic Portfolio, or the entire system, to users who have registered accounts.
- The content of the Electronic Portfolio (including, but not limited to all text and artwork) is protected by copyright. The copyright is owned by EURACT who represents the interests of the CEDinGPII project and the whole project consortium.
- All materials contained within the Electronic Portfolio website are copyrighted.
- No part of this website may be reproduced in any form, by Photostat, microfilm, xerography, caching, or any other means, or incorporated into any information retrieval system, electronic or mechanical, without the prior written permission of EURACT. All rights reserved.
- In order to keep the Electronic Portfolio available for all interested in using it, all users are asked to respect our copyrights and trademark.
- Users may view or download any part of the Electronic Portfolio for private purposes, but are not permitted, without our permission, to:
- store the Electronic Portfolio, or any part of the Electronic Portfolio, for any other purpose;
- print copies of the Electronic Portfolio, or any part of the Electronic Portfolio, for any other purpose;
- reproduce, copy or transmit the Electronic Portfolio, or any part of the Electronic Portfolio, in any way
6. All other rights which are not specifically granted are reserved.
Links to third party websites are for your convenience only. Such websites are operated and controlled by third parties and their inclusion does not imply any endorsement or approval by the EURACT of the materials on such websites.
EURACT accepts no liability for any claims, penalties, loss or expenses arising from: any reliance placed on the content of Electronic Portfolio; the usage or inability to use the Electronic Portfolio; the downloading of any materials from the Electronic Portfolio; or any unauthorized access to or alteration to the Electronic Portfolio.
The aim of Electronic portfolio is to provide a consistent and reproducible record of performance as a Competent or Expert teacher which can be used across Europe. Electronic Portfolio and its affiliated parties are not responsible in any way for damages resulting from the use of this site or the information provided or omitted.
Using the Electronic Portfolio
- Other than personally identifiable information, any material you transmit or post to the Electronic Portfolio shall be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary, subject to any other terms and conditions relating to publishing through the Electronic Portfolio which are agreed with the EURACT.
- EURACT has also the right to disclose your identity to any third party who is claiming that any material posted or uploaded by you to the Electronic Portfolio constitutes a violation of their intellectual property rights, or of their right to privacy.
- Users are prohibited from posting or transmitting to or from the Electronic Portfolio any material:
- that is threatening, defamatory, indecent, seditious, offensive,abusive, liable to incite racial hatred, discriminatory, menacing, scandalous, inflammatory, blasphemous, in breach of confidence, in breach of privacy or which may cause annoyance or inconvenience; or
- for which users have not obtained all necessary licences and/or approvals; or
- which is technically harmful (including, without limitation, computer viruses, logic bombs, Trojan horses, worms, harmful components, corrupted data or other malicious software or harmful data).
4. Users may not misuse the Electronic Portfolio (including, without limitation, by hacking).
5. EURACT has the right to remove any material users make in the Electronic Portfolio if, in EURACT opinion, such material does not comply with the provisions set out above or for any other reason whatsoever.
EURACT reserves the right to amend or to replace the Terms and Conditions at any time. If any substantial changes are made, a relevant notice at the Electronic Portfolio will be announced.
The Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Laws of the Netherlands and any disputes that may arise will be subject to the jurisdiction of the relevant courts.
By using Electronic Portfolio
- you agree to use of your personal data (required for registration purpose) by EURACT for the Electronic Portfolio and official competencies recognition needs.
- you agree to use your personal data (provided in the registration section) EURACT for its services promotional needs as well as to make them available for the subjects providing these services. Provision of the data is obligatory. Provider (Portfolio user) has the right to the data access and its changing.
For all enquiries please contact the EURACT Electronic Portfolio Administrator.
Thank you for visiting the Electronic Portfolio.